The NDIS is not working well for everyone. Not all of us are getting the choice and control we were promised.
We need our politicians to take action make the NDIS work for all of us.
Now that we’ve won commitments from both parties to fully fund the NDIS, we need to make sure that ahead of the Federal Election they focus on fixing the scheme to make sure it works for all of us.
Politicians across the country need to show that they’re listening. They need to show they can deliver the NDIS we fought for.
Please sign our petition to tell our politicians that it’s time to make the make the NDIS work for all of us.
By filling out your details on this form, you’ll be adding your voice to the thousands of others in the Every Australian Counts community. Together we can tell our politicians that the time for talk is over and now is the time to Make It Work.
And this is just the beginning – we are bringing everyone together with the Make It Work forums across Australia. The forums are a local question and answer session focussing on the NDIS.
Once you sign up to Make It Work, look out for an email coming soon about a forum near you!
Add your name to make the NDIS work
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