News | 19 April 2016

NDIS to provide jobs for Queensland

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Economic Benefits for QLD

The economic modelling shows that the NDIS will create as many as 15,000 new jobs for people with disability and carers and add up to $4.2 billion a year to the Queensland Gross State Product when it is fully rolled out.

The NDIS in QLD by numbers

According to the modelling report, commissioned by Every Australian Counts and National Disability Services, in Queensland the NDIS will also:

  • Support between 5,000 and 8,000 people with disability to find work
  • Support approximately 7,000 carers to return to the workforce
  • Create an employment boom with 12,000-15,000 jobs created as a consequence; and
  • Create additional jobs in the Queensland disability service sector

The modelling is based on an ABS survey of more than 75,000 people with disability and their carers – the largest sample survey ever conducted by the ABS.

Queensland State Manager for National Disability Services, Richard Nelson said the NDIS couldn’t come soon enough.

“Every month I meet Queenslanders with disability who are excited about the opportunity to work that the NDIS presents,” he said.

“This economic modelling shows that their employment goals can be a reality and contribute to growing Queensland’s Gross State Product.”

Read the full report: NDIS Economic Benefits QLD.

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