News | 16 September 2015

Victorian Minister message to EAC

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Minister Foley today stood alongside the new Prime Minister and signed the agreement that will deliver the full roll out of the NDIS to people with disability across Victoria.

Watch his message to Every Australian Counts supporters.

Find out more about the Victorian NDIS roll out.


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Martin Foley
Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing

The Andrews Labor Government knows that people with disability and their families have been eagerly waiting for the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. That’s why I’m proud to announce that Victoria has reached a key milestone in signing an agreement with the Commonwealth Government, paving the way for the roll out of the NDIS.

People with a disability and those who love them, deserve to have the choice and control to live the life they choose. You deserve to get the support you need when you need it to live a full life. That’s what we believe. That’s why we are seeing the NDIS through.

But this isn’t our achievement, it’s yours. You fought hard for this life-changing reform – and now it’s happening. This is your victory.

The roll out of the NDIS will start in the North East of Melbourne from the first of July next year and in the Central Highlands from January 1 2017. Other areas will follow.

Under the NDIS, there will be no more rationed services and no more waiting lists. It will bring a new era of support that doesn’t focus on what you can’t do, but on what you can do. This is the beginning of a new journey and we are committed to getting the rollout of the NDIS right. It will succeed with your support. The trial in Barwon has been positive and there is lots of good news coming from the site. We will continue to support people as the scheme reaches all part of the state.

The NDIS is about transforming lives. The Victorian Government is proud to be part of the change and to share the excitement with you.

For more information go to

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