Sarah’s tip the balance story

Many participants will not self-manage their NDIS funding as participants are not able to use their NDIS funding flexibly. The benefits of self-managing are not good enough for participants to self-managing their NDIS funding the only benefits are that you can use both registered and non NDIS registered providers. This does not show what the benefits are for people who want to self-manage, it does not show what you can use your NDIS funding for if you are Self-Managed compared to Agency Managed or Plan-Managed the NDIS needs to have statistics and data showing what people have used their NDIS funding for when self-managing, the different items/areas people have used their NDIS funding for if Self-Managing, and undertake surveys with people and ask them what does self-manage look like and what you would expect if you self-manage your package. NDIA planners and Local Area Coordinators do not ask questions at planning meetings like were you previously receiving services and supports before the NDIS? NDIA Planners and Local Area Coordinators need to ask more suitable questions to participants instead of asking questions like can you focus on a job for longer than 5 minutes? Participants should not have to spend all their time and energy at the AAT fighting for their rights and to get items funded that were previously funded by the state system (ADHC). All the legal advice, appeals and reviews are taking up a lot of participants time and the NDIS was not designed to send participants to the AAT it was designed to give people with disabilities voice, choice and control and live a quality of life like everyone else. Where is the voice, choice and control? NDIA planners and Local Area Coordinators have different interpretations and understandings as to what people with disabilities/NDIS participants have the way the NDIA planners and Local Area Coordinators interpret flexibility, self-managed, choice and control is not the same as to the way NDIS participants interpret it.