Beth’s tip the balance story

I have never felt more left behind than I do now, the NDIS is so much less in every way.
My initial planning meeting was cut short as we were given the incorrect address three times by my Local Area Coodinator, consequently time ran out, I asked for another meeting, there was no time to reschedule, instead the plan manager cut and pasted old, out of date information and my plan, which took from November to March to arrive was so full of errors, my primary diagnosis (I have two) is missing, one doesn’t make sense without the other. My personal details are incorrect. I repeatedly asked for a review. Until a call centre operator one day told me if I I asked for a review once more, she would do a review right then and there on the spot and her decision would stand.
I was then informed by my support co ordinator that my 12 monthly plan review would come up before the review would, so by the time I have a correct plan, it will have been over 12 months.
Without that diagnosis being on my plan I am unable to access mobility aids I really need.
I have also found the NDIS is costing me more in out of pocket expenses than before, due to individual provider’s service agreements, including specific cleaning products (over $50 worth) I had to buy from their list of preferred products. I have a house ful of cleaning products, none their preferred brand. I find that unfair and social groups, for example, you cannot attend anything, rather what is available in your area.
I have found a LOT of service providers who ‘strongly suggest’ you take part in their organisation’s activities, whether to your interest or not, because it’s your funding they want, they don’t care about us.
Structured as it is, we count only as far as dollar signs and ‘jobs’. I feel so bad for those without a voice, those who are unable to speak up, yet being able to has gotten me nowhere anyway. Confidentiality needs tightening up, I have been given other participants details repeatedly by providers. Disgusted.