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Key Senators need to hear from you now. What we must do is remind our decision-makers about what our community desperately needs to see come out of this review. Our message to the National Cabinet is clear and we ask all of our community to email your State and Territory Disability Reform Ministers with this message:

The NDIS is a vital lifeline for thousands of people with disabilities and our families across the country. We fought for an NDIS that promised people with disability would get the support that we need to be in control of our own lives and be included in our Australian community.

The NDIS has many economic and social benefits. Every dollar spent on the NDIS returns more than double that to the economy.

The NDIS Review is an important opportunity to make the NDIS simpler, fairer and more effective at meeting the needs of our community.

We need faster and fairer decision-making and planners who understand us and listen to us.

We need an NDIS where we are in control of our lives, where we make the decisions that affect us. Where we decide where we live and who we live with. Where we decide how we are supported and who provides that support. 

For the NDIS to work, people with disability need to be at the centre of decision making. All changes to the NDIS that come out of the Review need to be codesigned. Nothing about us without us!

For the NDIS to be sustainable, we need an inclusive Australian society. Without that, the NDIS becomes the only lifeboat in the ocean and will be in danger of sinking under the pressure.

We need all states and territories and all levels of governments to do what it takes to make mainstream services accessible and inclusive of people with disability.

We don’t want buck passing or people falling through the cracks.

We want cooperation and commitment to make the NDIS work, not just for us, but for future generations.

At the upcoming National Cabinet meeting please hold true to the promise of the NDIS and commit to making Australia an inclusive society, where Australians with disabilities have the support that we need to live the lives that we choose.

You don’t have to find the words – we have an email ready to go. Just fill in your details and hit send using the form on this page. But if you would like to add a personalised message you can add it to the top of the email.

Other ways to contact your Queensland crossbenchers:

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Email your Qld crossbenchers

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