Wangarang general manager Kevin McGuire calls on Calare candidates to address disability issues
According to National Disability Services (NDS), the peak body for non-government disability services, Calare has 3000 residents who will be eligible for services funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The NDIS is a healthcare program which supports people with permanent or significant disabilities.
They, their families and the organisations that support them are now looking for clear signs from their local candidates they would be strong advocates for disability services in parliament.
Kevin McGuire, General Manager at Wangarang Industries, said that the NDIS would benefit disabled people while helping to stimulate the economy.
“The NDIS is good social policy because it will increase services and choices for people with disability. It’s also good economic policy because it will create jobs and boost the local economy” he said.
Source: Central Western Daily