Peak Body Calls for Urgent Review of NDIS
It has been less than one year since the long-awaited NDIS began its national roll out but already it’s showing signs of struggling, according to National Disability Services (NDS), the peak body for service providers.
A report by the NDS, released Thursday, warned people were being rushed into the NDIS to the detriment of providing quality service.
The report said: “The scale and complexity of implementation is placing enormous pressure on all stakeholders. Some of this pressure is an inevitable consequence of large-scale change, but some is avoidable. The road to the NDIS is rougher and riskier than it needs to be.”
NDS chief executive Ken Baker told Pro Bono News the NDS was calling for a slow-down on the ambitious implementation targets.
“In the agreements between governments there are very ambitious plans for the number of plans that are going to be processed in a given period. The problem is that a quantitative target is driving everything else. Ultimately we don’t want to see the quality of plans people receive compromised by the volume which has to be processed,” Baker said.
“Having said that people have been waiting a long time for this scheme so no-one should have to slow it down unnecessarily but we do need quality plans and we need to provide people with a proper planning process – which at present I don’t think they are getting. There are some good plans but there are some quite poor ones.
“The NDIS cannot deliver on its great promise to people with disability and their families unless there is a strong and sustainable disability services sector. That sector is at risk.”
Source: Pro Bono Australia