Launch of One Stop Shop for Disability Knowledge
The Centre for Applied Disability Research (CADR) has launched a new Disability Knowledge Clearing House in a bid to assist NDIS participants access the right supports and help service providers innovate and focus on better incomes.
The Clearing House, designed to become the most comprehensive collection of disability research and resources for the Australian context, is a hub for those seeking to learn, collaborate and better connect research evidence to policy, practice and life experiences.
The general manager of sector development and research at NFP peak body National Disability Services, Gordon Duff, said the hub will help people with disability learn what works under the new system.
“They need to know what works, for whom, under what circumstances and at what cost. The service providers they choose need reliable, research-backed evidence to innovate and focus on better outcomes.
The Clearing House is a repository of links to a wide range of disability research, evaluation and other resources.
Source: Pro Bono Australia