News | 19 March 2015

Take Action: how do you want to live?


The government has failed to come up with a plan for how to provide a range of affordable and accessible housing options. But government disability ministers are meeting about housing in April.

Take a look at these options then tell us your story and what options you would like to see in the plan for housing under the NDIS. We’ll make sure they hear you loud and clear.

Independent housing

Many people with disability can and already do live independently with minimal or no support. But many struggle to find affordable places to live given the skyrocketing price of houses and rental accommodation, particularly in many of our capital cities. There are also long waiting lists for government provided social housing which is another option available.

Modified housing

Many people with disability could live more independently if they could find appropriate accommodation or if their existing place had some modifications. Ramps, wider doorways, larger bathrooms, lower light switches and kitchen benches, hand rails, heating and cooling systems are just some of the modifications that could mean the difference between the need for a full time carer and minimal support.

Supported accommodation

Supported accommodation means that a person can live independently, alone or with family or friends, yet have carers or other supports available to them. They might need support to prepare meals, shower or do shopping or cleaning. When a person with a disability receives good support in their home they can live an independent life the way they want to.

Group homes

Group homes as they currently exist are generally for people with higher support needs. They provide accommodation for three to six people with disability and have carers at the house round the clock to support the needs of the residents. Many families have been on waiting lists for group homes for many years and wonder if they will ever get a place for their loved one.

Family home

Of course there are thousands of people with disability who live with their parents and siblings in the family home. Many families just want some more support in the home – house modifications, respite or in-home care which should be provided as the NDIS rolls out. There are also concerns about what will happen to the person with disability when the parents are too old or frail to care for them.

Another option?

It’s up to you! Tell the disability ministers your preference – how do YOU want to live. Now is your chance to tell them.

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