News | 29 October 2019

A quick update on Specialist Disability Accommodation

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A white home on a red background. "SDA" is written underneath in white.

The Minister announced:

  • A new SDA Design Standard. These standards set out the design features any housing to be registered under SDA must include.
  • A new SDA Innovation Plan. This Plan “outlines the activities the NDIA will undertake over the next 18 months to encourage innovation in SDA”.
  • The SDA Limited Cost Assumptions Review. This mouthful of a review looked at the current prices for SDA and whether were high enough to cover the costs of providers and investors. The upshot is the review found they weren’t and a number of price increases have been recommended.

So good to hear things are moving when it comes to SDA – an area so many of you have found sooooo frustrating.

But it would have been easy to miss this announcement because … all of this information is ONLY available in the provider section of the NDIS website. Again.

We hope the information for participants is coming very soon ….

Read more

You can read the Minister’s press release here

You can read all of the new plans and guides on SDA here


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