News | 9 August 2016

Calling all NDIS Champions

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NDIS champions

AFDO’s new NDIS Champions program will bring together people with disability from all around Australia to act as leaders in providing information about the NDIS.

NDIS champions will be run by people with disability to provide a voice for people with disability about a scheme that will transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians.

ADFO is looking for champions who

  • Have great connections in the grassroots disability community
  • Are recognised by their peers as a good communicator who gets along well with other people
  • Promote the program through their own networks
  • Can inform others about the NDIS and develop relationships with other NDIS Champions to provide peer support
  • Have enough time to participate in all parts of the program

The NDIS Champions Program is only open to people with disability.

Training will be provided to help make sure you have the skills and knowledge you need to lead.

To find out what’s involved and to apply you’ll need to tell ADFO why you think you would make a great NDIS champion.

You will need to answer the questions in the Application Form before 5pm on Monday 15 August 2016.

You can find out more at:

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