News | 17 March 2016

Queensland agreement signed!

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NDIS QLD roll out

It’s fantastic news for Every Australian Counts supporters who have flooded state and federal politicians with emails in recent days calling for this agreement.

We stepped up the pressure and our leaders have delivered. Signing the agreement gives Queenslanders certainty about when the NDIS is coming to them.

There’s detailed maps and a video here on the NDIA’s website showing when the NDIS will arrive in every area of Queensland.

But here’s a summary:

From 1 July 2016

Townsville, Hinchinbrook, Burdekin, west to Mount Isa, and up to the gulf

From 1November 2016

Isaac Regional, Mackay Regional, Whitsunday Regional local government areas

From January 1 2017

Toowoomba area and west to the borders

From 1 July 2017

Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Somerset local government areas

From 1 October 2017

Bundaberg local government area

From 1 January 2018

Rockhampton, Gladstone and west to the border

From 1 July 2018

Logan City, Redland City, Gold Coast City, Brisbane City, Fraser Coast, North Burnett, South Burnett and Cherbourg local government areas, Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Tablelands, Croydon, Etheridge, Cape York and Torres Strait

From 1 January 2019

Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Gympie Moreton Bay (including Strathpine and Caboolture) local government areas

About 91,000 Queenslanders with permanent and significant disability will receive individual support packages once the scheme is completely in place.

This news means it’s just Western Australia and the Northern Territory left to sign their bilateral agreements with the Commonwealth for the full roll out of the NDIS.

Every Australian Counts will be keeping up the pressure in those states to see the NDIS truly national.

We’ll also keep you up-to-date with more news from Queensland when we have it. Stay tuned!

For now you can find out more here.

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