News | 25 March 2024

A New Taskforce to stop NDIS Providers Overcharging

A graphic with symbols of disability in the background. Over that graphic is a red blob, with white text that reads "New Taskforce to stop NDIS Providers Overcharging". The EAC logo is in the bottom right of the graphic

Dr George Taleporos, Independent Chair of Every Australian Counts welcomes the government’s announcement to crack down on NDIS Providers overcharging participants through their newly announced taskforce. This initiative, introduced by NDIS Minister Bill Shorten, promises to clamp down on unfair practices that have been taking advantage of the system and its participants.

Dr George Taleporos emphasised the importance of co-designing its implementation with NDIS participants. “Involving participants in shaping the taskforce’s approach is crucial to ensuring it effectively addresses the challenges they face. A collaborative effort would increase the taskforce’s ability to do its work”

This taskforce is in response to the widespread concern of our community over the “NDIS Tax”, where prices for supports and services are significantly inflated specifically for NDIS Participants. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) will lead this taskforce, investigating and taking action against providers who uses these unfair pricing strategies.

New laws and regulations aim to strengthen the rules against overcharging, and make sure that people who break these rules face larger penalties.This taskforce tells providers that charging higher prices to NDIS participants will be against the law. 

NDIS Participants, their carers, guardians or nominees will be able to report suspected price gouging to the taskforce by emailing , or by calling 1800 035 544.

For more information, and to read about the announcement, click here.

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