News | 19 January 2015

10,000 in – 450,000 to go


10000 NDIS plans are in, 450000 to go

At the Every Australian Counts campaign we are hearing amazing stories of lives transformed as people establish their plans and start to get the support they need. Kids are getting improved early intervention, individuals are entering the workforce and some of the pressure is coming off family and carers. Lives really transformed – you can see some examples right here (link)

Getting to this point hasn’t been without its issues and for some people it has not all been smooth sailing. But with each new plan there is an insight into how the whole process can be better for the people who follow.

Ten thousand is indeed a significant milestone. Yet there still remains a good 450,000 people with disability across Australia waiting for the NDIS to come to them. The Federal government has promised a full NDIS roll out strategy by the middle of this year. No doubt the 450,000 people with disability and their families and carers will be holding them to it, as will every supporter of Every Australian Counts.

You can help us spread the word about the success of the NDIS and the need for it to keep rolling out.  Share this article with your friends and ask them to join our campaign.