In The Media | 14 June 2017

NDIS increase won’t be enough to make ends meet, disability service providers say

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced a 4.5 per cent increase for daily activity and community participation services — equivalent to about $2 per hour on basic rates.

They also commissioned an independent inquiry into pricing starting immediately, with results due by the end of the year.

But for Empowerability, a disability service provider in western Sydney with 300 high-needs clients, the 4.5 per cent increase will not be enough to make ends meet.

“We’re now at a basic rate of $42.79 (per hour) which works out about $10 less than what it worked out under the old system, bearing in mind we’ve doubled our admin work, and our payroll and our management of staff,” CEO Narelle Dale said.

Source: ABC News