Shirley’s tip the balance story

It has taken over 6 years and 2 x 3 day tribunal hearings both won.
The latest plan is now as it should be after some heavy advocacy with the complex care team. Initially they cut therapy by 1/3 rd for a severely disabled child but reinstated therapy with a swift review and we then were able to cancel the open internal review.
I believe they were unwilling to be taken to AAT for a 3rd time.
It is heartbreaking and stressful but would always recommend the full appeal route for a good result.
Do not believe a call from NDIA that coerces to close an internal review, they give misinformation such as they cannot do your scheduled review with an open internal review – they can. If closed you lose your right to AAT on the current decision and it’s back on the roundabout.
My granddaughter now has a good plan but it has to be done all over again in 2020.