Why every day counts

It’s clear from you’ve told us that the NDIS has room for improvement. That’s important work to get stuck into – which is why securing the full funding of the scheme as soon as possible is so important.
We were blown away by the messages and photos sent in from across Australia letting politicians know why, when it comes to fully funding the NDIS, every day counts.
People with disability young and not so young, parents, carers and support workers let our decision makers know – the NDIS matters 365 days a year.
Here’s what they said:
It means inclusion
“I am almost 13 and still spending all my time with my mum and dad when I want to be with other young people, doing active, fun things.” – Leo
“I want to leave my house to live my life (go shopping, engage in my community), not just because I have a medical appointment.” – Tara
“11 year olds who don’t have a disability hang out with people other than their parents so why can’t I?” –Gracie
“Without this support I got back to being bored and isolated and sad.” – Nicholas
It means independence
“So I can have control over my life like my brothers and sisters!!!” – Stuart
“I am able to do more activities with different services such as pursuing my creative goals and pathways, and has also helped me achieve my goal to become more independent by gaining lessons to obtain my Ps.” – Sal
“I support a fully funded NDIS because it gave me independence to move out of home and use public transport.” – Cherie
“I am a 37 year old woman and don’t want to be treated like a child any more.” – Lauren
It’s about kicking life goals…
“So that I can continue to have the freedom and indpendence I enjoy currently. Before I got NDIS my electric wheelchair was eight years old and I couldn’t do anything afterwork because the battery wouldn’t last. The NDIS funded me a new electric wheelchair that can go 20km on a single charge. I’ve just returned from travelling around Europe with that wheelchair, something I couldn’t do with my old wheelchair.” –Stacey
“I need a safe secure life to live the way I want, where I want because it’s my life.” – Nathan
“I want to have the opportunity to live to my full potential as a wife, mother and member of the community. I want to be able to receive the supports and therapy I need so that I can do everyday things like get out of bed, cook, garden, do voluntary tutoring in the community and attend conferences related to my further education. I do not want to be confined to my home or even my bed because I cannot get basic assistance. I think it would be great if politicians spent a day in my wheelchair or trying to manage the world when you are legally blind or deaf and then use their conscience to vote on the NDIS.” – Mary-Anne
Kicking career goals
“I support a fully funded NDIS because it helped me get a job and my forklift ticket.” – Ryan
and securing the future
“I want my son to continue to have a secure and happy life even when I am no longer able to care for him.” – Diane
“I need additional care and social inclusion. Also, my parents are reaching the situation where they will no longer be capable of assisting me and I have no other relatives who can.” – Matthew
“I need to be somewhere else, not to far from my parents hopefully, so they can stop worrying so much about me, and hurting themselves all the time too. They also need to see me settled and I would like that too.” – Vicki
You can read every one of the messages here on the 365 Reasons Why wall and watch the video.
Earlier this month a delegation of ACT supporters took the video to all senate cross benchers to ask for their help in delivering a fully funded NDIS when it’s debated in coming weeks.
We expect that debate to occur following the parliamentary winter break and will keep you posted on its progress. There’s still work to do to end the uncertainty and lock in funding for good.
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