News | 6 February 2025

Campaign Statement: Take the Time for Codesign – Protect NDIS Participants’ Safety and Wellbeing

A collection of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and disability advocacy groups, representing people with disability who lead and govern these organisations. Logos included are Every Australian Counts, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4), National Mental Health Consumer Alliance, Down Syndrome Australia, and Self-Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU). These groups focus on self-advocacy, rights-based support, and ensuring people with disability have direct influence over policies and services affecting them.

A collection of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and disability advocacy groups, representing people with disability who lead and govern these organisations. Logos included are Every Australian Counts, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4), National Mental Health Consumer Alliance, Down Syndrome Australia, and Self-Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU). These groups focus on self-advocacy, rights-based support, and ensuring people with disability have direct influence over policies and services affecting them.A collage of logos from national and state-based Disability Representative Organisations (DROs). These are peak bodies advocating for the rights of people with disability across Australia. Included in the image are People with Disability Australia (PWDA), National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA), Inclusion Australia, Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA), Blind Citizens Australia, Deaf Australia, and Carers Australia. These organisations represent different disability communities and work on policy, systemic advocacy, and national reforms.


6 Feb 2025

To: The Commonwealth Government of Australia


We, the undersigned organisations and individuals, are deeply concerned about the Government’s rushed approach to implement major changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).  The new framework plans which include yet to be developed support needs assessments and budget setting tools, are scheduled for rollout from 1 September 2025. 

While the Minister has announced funding for 1000 new staff to perform the support needs assessments, there are no assurances that these will be performed by qualified and experienced allied health professionals.  People with disability must be able to choose to have their assessment performed by trusted allied health professionals who know and understand their disability and needs.

The changes are being rushed without the co-design that was promised and without adequate time to trial the new assessment tools and process. 

We are concerned that NDIS participants are being put through unfair eligibility reassessments.  Participants are sent generic letters with no other contact from the NDIA to explain what evidence is missing from their file.  The 28 days’ notice for providing the information is insufficient for sourcing more evidence, and not in line with the community’s expectation of 90 days. 

 We are also concerned that the NDIA is reassessing eligibility for approximately 1,200 people every week and almost half of these (almost 600 per week) are removed from the scheme – without ensuring they have access to support outside of the NDIS.  While we know that Foundational Supports are currently being designed to ensure that the NDIS is not “the only lifeboat,” they are far from implementation.

This rushed approach is not only unfair but poses serious risks to the safety, health, and wellbeing of NDIS participants and in our view, breaches Australia’s human rights obligations to provide support to people with disability.


In order to address these concerns, we urgently call on the Government to:

  • Take the time to do it right

The safety and wellbeing of people with disability must come first.

The Independent NDIS Review recommended 2 to 5 years of co-design and testing for such significant changes.  Due to the unreasonable timeframes imposed by the Government, the NDIA is forced to select existing assessment tools and create budget calculations without adequate co-design, testing or pilots.  Rolling out untested tools risks giving participants the wrong supports or not enough supports, which could lead to harm, reduced independence, and poorer outcomes.

In order to prevent harm to people with disability, the Government must extend the timeframes for these reforms to allow for genuine co-design and proper testing. 

  • Commit to Real Co-Design – Work with us, not against us

The Government has failed in its promises of co-design with the community.  People with disability, their families, and their representative organisations are not being given adequate time or resources to be able to meaningfully contribute to designing these changes.  Without meaningful co-design, these changes will not meet the needs of people with disability – particularly people with complex needs and episodic disabilities.

  • Prioritise Safety and Wellbeing

Ensure that the new tools and changes prioritise the safety, health, and independence of people with disability and do not compromise compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  The NDIS is a lifeline for many Australians and without access, many individuals will be left at considerable risk of harm.

  • Stop eligibility reassessments until comprehensive Foundational Supports are in place

Removing nearly 600 people, many with permanent and severe disabilities each week with only 28 days’ notice is inherently unjust.  Accelerating eligibility reassessments and removing participants well before promised Foundational Supports are in place jeopardises the safety and wellbeing of people with disability. We believe this change is underway, and look forward to a formal announcement.


The NDIS is too important to get wrong.  It is meant to provide choice and control to participants and uphold the rights of people with disability to live and participate on an equitable basis.  Rushed changes undermine these principles and risk the lives of people with disability.

We stand united in demanding that the Government slow down, work with the disability community, and put the safety and wellbeing of people with disability first.  The Government must act now to correct course and ensure that NDIS reforms are genuinely co-designed and implemented with care and respect for all Australians with disability.



Every Australian Counts and co-signatoriesA collection of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and disability advocacy groups, representing people with disability who lead and govern these organisations. Logos included are Every Australian Counts, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4), National Mental Health Consumer Alliance, Down Syndrome Australia, and Self-Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU). These groups focus on self-advocacy, rights-based support, and ensuring people with disability have direct influence over policies and services affecting them.A collage of logos from national and state-based Disability Representative Organisations (DROs). These are peak bodies advocating for the rights of people with disability across Australia. Included in the image are People with Disability Australia (PWDA), National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA), Inclusion Australia, Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA), Blind Citizens Australia, Deaf Australia, and Carers Australia. These organisations represent different disability communities and work on policy, systemic advocacy, and national reforms.A densely packed collage of logos from therapy providers and disability support services, covering a range of speech pathology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and psychology services. Some logos include Red Fox Occupational Therapy, Spectrum Speech Pathology, Illawarra Health Services, Tiny Talkers Speech Therapy, Autism Understanding, Real Life Assistants, Happy Tales Therapy, and Grow & Tell Speech & OT. The designs are colorful and varied, reflecting the broad range of services available to people with disability.A collection of logos from various allied health and disability service providers. This includes occupational therapy, speech pathology, psychology, and support services for people with disability. Some logos featured include Play for Life Occupational Therapy, Climb Occupational Therapy, Early Links, OT Country Care, Active Ability, Rewired Psychology, Brave HQ, and ForPsych Group. The logos vary in color, design, and branding, reflecting the diversity of service providers across Australia.



Cosign EAC's Campaign Statement 'Take the Time to Codesign'

If you would like to add your name to our list of cosignatories, please complete the form below.
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Disability Representative and Carer Organisation Co-signatories

Every Australian Counts

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations

People with Disability Australia

National Mental Health Carer and Consumer Forum

Disability Advocacy Network Australia

Down Syndrome Australia

Australian Autism Alliance

Self Advocacy Resource Unit

Physical Disability Australia

Deafness Forum Australia

Carers Australia

Women with Disabilities Australia

Children and Young People with Disabilities Australia

Blind Citizens Australia

Inclusion Australia

Deaf Australia


Community Mental Health Australia

National Ethnic Disability Alliance

Autism Aspergers Alliance Australia

National Mental Health Consumer Alliance

Reimagine Australia


Disabled Persons and Advocacy Organisations Co-signatories

South West Autism Network

Developmental Disability WA

Down Syndrome Western Australia

Occupational Therapy Australia

Autism Spectrum Australia

Positive Powerful Parents

I CAN Network

Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service

Self-Manager Hub

Integrated Disability Action

Grampians Disability Advocacy

Colac Otway Region Advocacy Service

Action for People with Disability

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia

Darwin Community Legal Service

Advocacy Tasmania

North East Citizen Advocacy



DRC Advocacy

Advocacy: Empowering People with Disability

Rights In Action

Advocacy for Inclusion

Occupational Therapy Society for Invisible and Hidden Disabilities (OTSi)

Australian Psychosocial Disability Collective

Rights and Inclusion Australian

Australian Rehabilitative and Assistive Technology Association

The Australian Neurodivergent Parents Association

Regional Autistic Engagement Network Tasmania

Disability Pride Tasmania 

Brain Injury Matters

Australian Women’s Health Alliance

DACSSA Disability Advocacy

The Association for Children with Disability (Tas) Inc

Gippsland Disability Advocacy

ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability

Queenslanders with Disability Network

Autism Queensland




Allied Health and Other Providers Co-signatories

GH Therapy Services

Anthers Therapy

Swan Valley Speech Pathology


Azure Occupational Therapy

Kids Colab

Spectrum Speech Pathology

Action OT

Excel Occupational Therapy

Outcomes Therapy


Pear Tree Occupational Therapy

Complete Circle Allied health 

Kids Link

Total Therapy

Verve Occupational Therapy

PROM Therapy



Launch Occupational Therapy

Another Way OT

Megan Heffernan Occupational Therapy

All Abilities Therapy

The Online OT

Remarkable OT

Recovery in Mind

NS Therapy

Sunny Side Occupational Therapy

Creative Therapy

All Walks of Life

Move and Play

All Abilities Therapy

Trellis Occupational Therapy


Penny Thomas Occupational Therapy


Kik Therapy


Outcomes Therapy

Wally Butt

Integrate OT

Move About Therapy Services

Gail Baildon Speech Pathology


Private Congregate Care Alliance


Telehealth OT

Gold Coast Occupational Therapy


Dr. Carla Van Laar Creative Arts Therapy

Assist Therapy Services

Stepping Stones

Real Life Assistants

Dhillon Occupational Therapy

Ethical SDA

Occupation Matters

Optimum Therapy

Sensational Minds Therapy

Mental Health OT Online

Complete Support OT

Only About Kids

Bronwyn Paynter Nature OT

Relate First Therapy

Inclusive OT

Coast Rehabilitation

Building Blocks Therapy

Growing Skills Therapy

Positive Step Therapy

Shift & Co

Illawarra Allied health Services

All Areas Speech Pathology

Bibi Vox

Health Nest

Grow and Tell

KM Therapy

Wildflower OT

Gidgee Therapy

Foundations in Life

Integrated Rehabilitation


The Kindred Practice

Youth OT

Kids Physio


The Communication Toolbox

Oasis OT

AEIOU Foundation

Skills for Living

Solid foundations

Katy Gray Speech Pathology

Sensational Kids

DB Therapy

Miriam Blackmore Occupational Therapy

Seed Therapy

The Rehabilitation Specialists

Small Moments Speech and Play

Lifespan therapy 

Life OT

Evolve Psychology Group

Grow with Me

Chin Up

Total Talk Speech Pathology


All Together Therapy

Hear Speak Speech Pathology

Close to Home

Communicate Connect Speech Pathology


Autism Understanding


Empowered Art therapy

Meaningful Activities Therapy Matters

Jump Start therapy Services


Short Sprouts

Kindred Art Space

OT Designed

Believe and Become

The Play Project

Verland Speech Therapy

Beyond Boundaries Rehab

Speakbeak Speech Therapy

Tiny Talkers Speech Pathology

Play Partners

Ramsay speech Pathology

Connecting Dots for Kids

Diagnostics, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy

Speech Pathology Whitsunday

Ohana Physiotherapy

Tiny Tackers Therapy

MAH Speech Pathology

Therapy 2 Thrive

Kids Gain Occupational Therapy

The Soundmill Centre

Little Hands Occupational Therapy

Elevate allied Health


Blackburn Speech and Paediatric Therapy

Queensland Paediatric Allied Health

Claire Hayley Speech Pathology

Every Home

Babble and Munch Feeding Therapy

Childs Play Nutrition

Speak Listen Learn

Happy Tales Occupational Therapy

Speech and Language Sydney

Play for Life Occupational Therapy


Climb On Occupational Therapy


Kids First Childrens Services

Be Become Belong

Kerri-Anne Telford Occupational Therapy

Early Links

Foundation First

Michelle Boyall Speech Pathology

Nacre Consulting


Active Ability

Protea Therapy

Rewired Psychology

Milton TLC


LS Health Services

InMotion Therapy and Support

Kimberley Blossoms

Start Smart Tasmania


Your Speech Room

Hunter Valley therapy

Complete Therapy Studio 

Growing Gently Psychology

The Communication Clinic

Adaptive Solutions Occupational Therapy

For Psyc Group

OT Country Care

Private Congregate care Alliance


Kids First

Nourish and Thrive

Claire Ting Educational and Developmental Psychology

Benefact OT

Cath Durant Occupational Therapy Services 

Complete Care Therapy

Kids + Co. Lab

Wilson Occupational Therapy

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